Press Releases
While the ATF takes its time to release its guidance on what exactly is a “suppressor” so that companies would be free to make multi-piece multi-caliber kits, companies are still hard at work to get you the most for your dollar. With the expense and time around acquiring suppressors, it just makes sense for the end-user to be able to get one can to cover most of their needs.
commentsIf you aren’t familiar with Silent Legion’s line of suppressors, we made sure to pay them a visit at NRA Atlanta 2017 and show you some of their product line. The company prides itself on their cans’ modularity and providing the accessories you need, such as a QD mount or removal tool, in one package. Their Multi Cal is rate for everything from 5.56 to .300 Win Mag and comes with various QD mounts to switch calibers. Watch them demo several of their cans and see if one makes sense for your kit.
commentsU.S.A. –-( Silent Legion announced today the unveiling of a full line of unique, high-performance suppressors at this year's SHOT Show in Las Vegas during the week of January 16th. Their exciting 2017 product line can be seen at the Elite Defense booth (#32411).
commentsU.S.A. –-( While Silent Legion is best known for its world-class suppressors, the company also offers quick-detach flash hiders and suppressor covers, all of which are now available – without a waiting period or a $200 tax stamp – at
commentsSilent Legion – maker of world-class suppressors and accessories – announced today its new representation partnership with Ahern Sales Group out of Fort Worth, Texas. Ahern specializes in the sales of quality shooting, hunting, outdoor and law enforcement products in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas, building relationships and earning trust by combining years of experience with old-fashioned hard work.
USA -( It's a simple rule that products don't sell if they aren't in stores where consumers can find them.
commentsThis isn’t a warm-up, and this isn’t grandpa and tyke waiting against a tree stump. This is boat-sneaking, handgun-toting, 100-yard-shooting squirrel madness. And it’s some of the most fun you’ll have this fall
Tactic No. 1: Squirrel Sniping
Even with two full days at SHOT, I wasn’t able to get around to everyone on my list. One of those missed opportunities was Silent Legion Suppressors, an Oak Ridge, North Carolina based company with an impressive lineup of calibers and mounting systems for almost any host weapon.